RE. The Pencil Case Project May 21st – June 14th -We Need your HELP!
The Luke:4:18 will be leading The Pencil Case Project starting Tuesday, May 21st. Please send in new or gently used items
For the past nine years, Society of Saint Vincent de Paul Youth in Ontario, with support from the International Council General, have collected new and used school supplies at the end of the school year to send to developing countries. These donated goods are being put to good use by helping children in these countries to have schools stocked with supplies, allowing them to learn and get an education in the hope of a brighter future. All items collected will be sent to help children in Grenada, a country that is suffering with debt and poverty.
We will be collecting the following items between May 21 – June 14
Used Pencil cases & contents
Backpacks / Sports Bags
Rulers, Erasers, sharpeners, calculators, scissors, math sets
Crayons, pencil crayons, pen, pencils, markers
Lunch boxes / water bottles
Toys, games, crafts
Sports Equipment
Notebooks, paper, duotangs, folders
Please see flyer attached: HERE