Joy to the world

joy to the world

Dear SAA CES Families,

Wishing everyone a safe and blessed Christmas! Gracious God we turn to you in wonder and praise as we celebrate Christmas. Remind us during this sacred season of our collective story. May our roots extend deep into the soil of faith and spread outwards to share the good news of Christ’s coming! Focus our attention so that we remain attuned to the sights, sounds and sensations of the season. May the presence of Christ be at the forefront of our thoughts and actions as we enact each holiday ritual. Fill us with hope in the continuous birthing of Christ in our world. May we never lose sight of the promise of the Kingdom of peace and compassion that is both present and yet to be Amen.

Love starts from your heart, from your house … to your neighbourhood, to your community, to your nation, and to the whole world.

Spread love to all those you meet.

Let everyone feel the love of Christ.

Yours in Catholic Education,

P. Marazzi
