
Curriculum/Meet the Teacher Night

Dear ​SAA CES Parents/Guardians/Families, Once again we find ourselves in a new academic year. Many exciting things...

SafeArrival Information: Keeping Our Kids Safe

  As we start a new school year, we hope you will take some time...

Message from St. Clare of Assisi Parish

A Message From:  St. Clare of Assisi Parish Sacrament of Holy Communion & Confirmation Grade...

Celebrate Throughout the Year with the YCDSB

The days that we celebrate help us remember what is most important to us.  But...

YCDSB’s New Multi-Year Strategic Plan

The York Catholic District School Board’s new Multi-Year Strategic Plan (MYSP) was created with the...

2023 Distinguished Alumni Award Winners

The York Catholic District School Board is proud to announce its 2023 Distinguished Alumni Award...