
News Stories

Crosswalk Safety/Community Safety/Safe Driving

Ensuring Safety for All: Crosswalks and Safe Driving

As we strive to keep our school environment safe for all students, we kindly remind everyone to use designated crosswalks when crossing the street. Crosswalks are there to ensure the safety of pedestrians, especially our children, and help reduce the risk of accidents.

Please be vigilant while driving in school zones, ... Continue reading "Crosswalk Safety/Community Safety/Safe Driving"

Curriculum/Meet the Teacher Night

Dear ​SAA CES Parents/Guardians/Families,
Once again we find ourselves in a new academic year. Many exciting things have been planned for our time together. We look forward to seeing you at the Curriculum/Meet the Teacher night on
Wednesday, ​September 18, 202​4 ​from 7:00 p.m.-8:00 p.m. (Scholastic Book Fair Opens at 6:30 p.m.)​ ... Continue reading "Curriculum/Meet the Teacher Night"

Elementary YCDSB PA Day: Friday, June 28, 2024

In accordance with the Ministry of Education’s new Regulation 304, “School Year Calendar, Professional Activity Days,” the York Catholic District School Board (YCDSB) is providing the following summary of P.A. Day activities at the elementary level on Friday, June 28, 2024.

Friday, June 28, 2024 Staff are engaged in closing operations for the end of term.